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The Crowned (The Blood and Brotherhood Saga, Book 6) Page 15

  So it was, that Seth gained understanding. The auras were like vines upon a fence. They wrapped around one another and were intertwined even down to the smallest levels. Pulling on one, pulled on them all, yet cutting one off and ending its life spared those that remained. Though fate again laughed in his face, as his revelry only lasted a moment.

  Within seconds of the invaders being restored to their former human selves, they were set upon by their own brethren to be fed upon and altered once again. Within only a few moments every one of the restored humans was upon their backs, unconscious from lack of blood, as once again their auras began to slowly change. That, Seth decided, would have to work for now.

  Reaching out again and again in rapid succession, he handpicked one target after another and struck them down as thousands of lesser vampires from the first wave were restored to their former selves. The feeding frenzy that ensued brought nearly every vampire from the first and second wave back to the ground to join in on the feeding. It was a gruesome means, but it was buying precious time.

  Seth reached out and fed the immense power of the vampires he had just collected into the woman he loved and hoped to save. Her power was growing vast, and quickly. She was nearly ready.

  * * * * *

  Zorbin saw the light in the sky vanish rather abruptly and neither he nor Linaya could fathom any reason for the change. Though he could see the panic in the eyes of his charge, the Dwarven knight of Valdadore dared not venture a guess as to the meaning of the newfound darkness. Instead he focused on the task at hand, leaning low upon Xanth to decrease the wind on his chest and face. Just a couple hours more and Valdadore would be within reach.

  It was a surreal realization, really. Knowing that they would be returning to the city they called home, yet uncertain of the condition of the city or its inhabitants. For all Zorbin knew, though he would never voice it to Linaya, was that the fires had went out because there was nothing left to burn. If he were a man who feared the uncertain, such thoughts would have unsettled the stout dwarf. Fortunately he cared not for guessing, instead preferring to lay eyes upon the situation himself. It was thoughts such as these that were filling Zorbin’s mind to occupy the time when he heard the first rumblings.

  At first it sounded strangely like someone grinding their teeth and then grew louder and louder until there was a great cracking sound. Valdadore would be in sight any minute, but not soon enough to discover what the sound was. Again the sound came and with it the ground trembled slightly. Then, as if they were lost souls carried upon the winds, shrieks and screams drifted to the ears of the mounted dwarves and the wolves that bore them. With ears twitching the wolves sprang forward at an increased rate of their own accord, as if on the hunt for some unknown game. All there was for Zorbin to do was hold on to Xanth and let his mount and friend guide him forward to his fate.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Seth had already killed more than he was comfortable with. He had bought them hours of valuable time with minimal casualties, minus those his own brother slew near the western gate. Sara was strong enough. He hoped. Her aura encompassed an undefinable space, it was so large, and when she moved within it, it swept along with her like a bloated swarm of insects called to dinner. In comparison to Sigrant, she was his better, though just barely so at this point. Given another hour or two she would be able to squash him easily enough, but they did not have hours. Even now, vampires from within the city were seeking the defensive wall for a meal of blood. If the defenders were fed upon they would fall unconscious and all would be lost.

  With his vision of the gods Seth watched the spread of the vampirism disease in real time and watched as it spread, uncontrolled, outward from the city’s center. Hours was too long. They needed to act now.

  Shaking his head, his shoulders slumping, Seth knew that he had to continue killing some of the greater vampires and tried to mentally prepare himself for the task. Tracking Sara’s aura with his mind, he looked in her direction.

  “Sara, you must go now!” he yelled as loud as he was able, assured that her superhuman hearing would be up to the task. It was odd really, the speed of her reaction. He had barely finished the words, and her course changed and she was halfway across the fields to Sigrant’s camp, almost as if she moved so fast she had heard the entire command before it was completed. Was there a point that speed surpassed time? Was it possible that making Sara stronger could disrupt the flow of time and perhaps fate and destiny as well? The thoughts were immense, as was Seth’s mental ability, but he dared not ponder the possibilities, for the consequences were unknown to a mortal. Instead he turned back to the task he loathed, and realized that things had changed.

  Far below him, at the base of the wall, Seth watched the vampires take up a new tactic. Thinking them insane, he watched as they scratched and clawed at the stones of the wall, trails of blood staining the stone where their fingers passed.

  Though they ripped out their own finger nails in the task, after many moments he watched as some of the vampires began gripping finger holds created by their incessant clawing and scratching. Working furiously, the monsters he inadvertently created began to scratch away the mortar that held the stones of the wall together, and within minutes the first stones were being removed from the wall.

  All along the wall, the assault from without had ceased, the invaders having turned their attention to the wall. From below, Seth watched as some of the blessed among the enemy began to swell in power. Then came the attack in earnest.

  Below the Valdadorian defenders the enemy vanished in a thick blanket of fog dredged up by magical means, and from the fog fire lanced through the air to smash upon the ramparts where the meager defending force ducked low to hide from the assault.

  Seth saw it for what it was, of course. The attack was not meant to destroy the defenders, just hold them at bay while the attackers worked down below to tunnel through the wall. Seth grinned. Problem solved. No one was dying. The walls were thick and had stood for centuries, and Sara was fast and growing in power by the second. All would be over well before Sigrant’s forces gained entry to the city.

  With his mental abilities trained on the spread of vampirism within the city, the attackers in their tunneling process, and Sara in the distance, Seth watched the maelstrom of godly power around him. The gods had given the power to the world but now they wanted it back. They waged war on one another. Not openly, yet it was as obvious now as light or air. It was everywhere, and mortals were the instrument through which the deed was accomplished.

  If the all-powerful immortal beings were the ones who pulled all the strings that started the wars and led to the division of the peoples of Thurr, perhaps one of them could stop it as well. Seth wondered if it was possible to enlist another of the gods in this endeavor. If anything was to gain their attention, it would be this day of darkness. A day where two titans of mortals clashed, and one’s power was returned to the heavens. Perhaps he would be given the opportunity to speak to one of them face to face.

  Seth watched the two immense auras, hoping that at any moment Sigrant’s would dissipate.

  * * * * *

  Sigrant saw her coming. She was still growing faster at an alarming rate and just as he had suspected she was now his better. For the first time in over a decade he saw no means to escape this encounter unharmed. At least not alone.

  Calling his harem, the only underlings he had that could understand him, he watched them appear from all corners of the camp in an instant. They were the ones who fed him power, his only direct vampire descendants. None of them was his equal, but each of them was nearly so. Any two combined would surpass him, for he only got a portion of the power they each received, but he received power from each of them making the total of his combined power more than any one of them alone.

  When the dark princess arrived, the result was an event unlike any other. Sigrant watched as Sara careened towards him like a force of nature, a blast of wind trailing her ,with dust and debris rising u
p from her every step in a swirl that was caught up and carried aloft in her wake. Without slowing and without hesitation the princess came for him, but she had not expected his wives.

  Like a pack of beasts the harem leapt at the leather-clad princess in an attempt to drag her down and they nearly accomplished their goal. Sigrant watched as they bit and clawed at the princess who fought savagely on. So strong were those in the fight that they gouged huge chunks of flesh and bone from one another with their bare fingers, tearing limbs from each other’s bodies. So powerful were they all, however, that as soon as the normally fatal wounds were scored, they would regenerate back just as fast. Before long the combatants were all totally nude, their clothing having been completely destroyed and still they fought on.

  It was odd to Sigrant, that such a fight would appear as it did. If you took away the spraying blood and disembodied limbs and scraps of bone and flesh, the fight looked very much like an orgy. His dozen wives and the demon princess were a writhing mass of nude flesh and long hair that in other circumstances might have been arousing. It would have helped too if the screams were of pleasure and not pain. Well, at least some of them. Watching on at the damage inflicted upon the parties involved, Sigrant wondered if it were possible that any of them could die any longer. Though sadly, it was not a question that remained unanswered to him for very long.

  * * * * *

  Sara knew his face, and with her superior vision she sought him out and found him simply watching her come. He looked confidant, defiant even. Perhaps he was unaware of her power. So focused was she on her once captor that she did not notice when the women gathered around him. She planned to hit him full speed, hoping she would heal faster and simply be able to dismember him, but plans were what you made while the world changed around you.

  With the force of two boulders colliding, Sara was struck from the side unaware and nearly went down as her spine, hip, and left leg shattered before the blow. Bone fragments protruded from her flesh as she faltered a step or two, though she maintained her control. Pain shot through her entire body before it vanished again, only to return when her spine mended and then vanished once more as the healing continued. Her momentum carrying her forward, her injuries healed nearly instantaneously, but just barely before she was struck several more times in rapid succession. Before Sara knew what had hit her, more than ten women were upon her, biting and clawing but Sara was determined to succeed though she had lost both of her blades in the initial attack. Ignore the pain.

  Fighting just as savagely as her foes, she snapped and clawed, hissing and growling like the predator she had become. Grabbing one would-be assailant by the hair she flung the woman, tearing her scalp away as she was tossed bodily through the air. Another sunk her teeth in Sara’s breast, while another two worked to grasp each of her arms and pin her down. Twisting and kicking, Sara fought her way through the wriggling mess landing just as many blows as she was taking.

  Slamming her now bare foot through one attacker’s head, she watched the blood spray another in the face as she grabbed an arm at random and heaved with all her might. The arm came free of its socket, the flesh and sinew tearing easily away. Using the arm like a club Sara smashed the face of another attacker, a poor girl who looked barely thirteen. It angered her further that Sigrant had tainted such young children to such a degree.

  Fighting on, it felt like an end would never come. She still felt the influx of power, and knew that in time she would be too strong for all of them, but as it was, they were a formidable force. Sara could not wait longer, she dared not give Sigrant’s minions time to gain entry to the city and begin swelling his power once more. Instead she let her instincts take over, and unleashed the monster that she had become. For at least a while, she would free that which she sought to contain on a daily basis.

  Savagely she grasped the nearest woman, one who had long golden locks, one who attempted to hold her still by straddling her. Sara pulled the woman down close, so fast her neck broke in several places. Jerking her head to the side viciously, Sara bit into the flesh of her exposed neck, ripping out her throat, blood vessels, and other important tissues the woman could not survive without.

  With her other attackers still ripping and tearing at her flesh Sara discarded the throatless carcass and turned her attention to her side where yet another nude blonde was ripping the flesh away from her leg, digging her claws deep into the tissue of the muscles and ripping it out a handful at a time. Back-handing one of the smaller women, sending her flying through the air, Sara kicked out at another before reaching for the one upon her leg. She never made contact.

  No more than she sought to grasp the woman dismembering her leg, than another leg lanced out and kicked Sara. The blow was astonishing, connecting with her elbow so powerfully that the arm simply detached at that point, the skin and muscle tissue severing with jagged tears, her blood spraying out like pink mist into the air in the wake of the blow.

  Disconnected ligaments and tendons snapped up into the stump of Sara’s arm, and she screamed both in pain and rage as the new bone formed quickly and new flesh stretched over the limb as the muscles grew and matured instantly.

  Thrashing wildly, she disentangled herself from the mass of attackers and struck out with her newly formed arm and hand. With her fingers straight she stabbed into the chest of the one who had injured her arm, her hand spreading and breaking the ribs as it entered the other’s body. Then, grasping the woman’s heart, Sara ripped it free of its confines, feeling it beat once within her hand so slowly it nearly felt still. There she held it out for all to see as she tore into it with her fangs, destroying it in entirety.

  The woman she tore the organ from looked astonished for what seemed an unnaturally long time to Sara, though was likely only a fraction of a second, before she crumpled to the ground in a heap, the hole remaining in her chest. The heart! That was the key.

  The rest of Sigrant’s defenders would have been easy to dispatch the same way, Sara thought, had the resulting seconds not changed her battle so drastically.

  * * * * *

  Seth watched with his god vision as the vampires below him tunneled deeper into the wall, the sounds of fingers and bones on stone making hairs rise up on his neck and goose pimples to form on his skin. For now he let them tunnel, hoping Sara would make quick progress.

  He watched as she was intercepted by others of her own kind, their many bloated auras becoming a soupy mess of power overlapping too much to distinguish them as individuals. Seth had known there were other powerful vampires in Sigrant’s camp, but had not expected Sara to face them all at once. Even so he watched as her aura grew by the second, making her stronger than her foes by an ever increasing amount.

  Then something happened that they had overlooked. Seth watched as one of the auras dissipated, its power retuning to the god the foe worshipped, and watched still as several thousand auras returned to human. The frenzy that ensued was absolutely horrifying. Even those vampires below within the tunnel fled its confines, smelling the flesh that was not already altered.

  Screams arose all around Valdadore where once vampires were restored and then set upon. Blood-curdling cries filled the air in a deafening wave as thousands were fed upon instantaneously, but that was not what bothered Seth.

  Watching, as only he could, he saw the event for the real problem that it was. When vampires fed they gained power. When they gained power their creator gained power, and the creator above that one too and so on. So although Sara had felled one of her foes, she had made all the rest stronger because they suddenly had fresh power to feed upon. If she did it again, and then again, she would not stand a chance for long. He needed to act.

  Seth thought for a long time, it seemed. He could not simply rush in and do something that might lead to unforeseen consequences. Lives and collisions. He needed a means to help Sara before those she fought and Sigrant grew more powerful. Then another several thousand of Sigrant’s troops reverted to human only to send up another ag
onizing wail of anguish. Sara’s opponents grew stronger yet again before they returned to their task of tunnel digging.

  Discarding idea after idea, he watched as Sara seemed to reach a plateau. She was gaining power at nearly the same rate she was expelling it, burning through the power to heal herself. Seth studied the situation over and again and only came to two real discoveries. First, he could not simply kill those fighting Sara with lightning as he had done others, they moved too fast for him to target accurately, and he was unsure if such strong creatures would be affected the same. Secondly, there was a small measure of time, perhaps a couple of minutes between when Sara killed a foe and the others regained all the power from the reverted humans. There was a window of opportunity.

  Then Seth had his answer. It was a risk, but would work. He knew it.

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized into the night, then began to gather his power and focus it. Then with a rumble that shook him, the world was ripped out from beneath him with an earth shattering explosion.

  * * * * *

  Ishanya stared at the tapestry of time splayed out before her. The battle of Valdadore had changed. It had changed immensely, but even so she could see that at least her puppet survived. Looking further she saw the possibilities of the future she desired, and noticed that some alterations had occurred there as well, but all appeared to be intact nonetheless.

  It seemed other players in this grand game were beginning to take notice of her schemes, but already her plans were in play and taking effect in the world. Soon, she would hold claim to vast reserves of power and be able to confront them. Soon her puppet would claim for her the lives she needed to fulfill her own destiny. Soon she would destroy her brethren, or banish them as they had done to her. Soon she would rule the heavens of Thurr and lay claim to it all.